Tasmania's friendliest Athletic Club

Documents and Policies

This is the area for researching items such as the Club Constitution and Annual Reports, and items such as Committee Nomination forms and Travel Subsidy applications

Athletics Australia Code of Conduct (2019) – This document is the Code of Conduct for people registered with ESAC or any other affiliated body under Athletics Australia and covers the expected conduct of athletes, officials, coaches and volunteers, and the actions and sanctions available for breaches of the Code.

ESAC Constitution (as at Oct 2020)

ESAC Committee Nomination 2024-25

ESAC Award Policy

Travel Subsidy Application – If you are selected to represent Tasmania at a national level athletics event, this form allows you to apply to the Eastern Suburbs Committee for travel assistance. Complete this form and return it at the earliest possible convenience for early consideration. These subsidies will take into account the commitment that you have made to the club in relation to competition, fund raising and other club activities.

Travel Subsidy Policy 2023-24 This document explains the policy behind the granting of travel subsidies to ESAC athletes.

ASADA E-Learning Module

ESAC Annual Reports